Basic Git Commands

The following are the basic git commands that every QA Should know
🌱 git init - Create a new Git repository.
🌀 git clone - git clone is a command used to create a local copy of a remote Git repository
🔍 git status - Check the current status
➕ git add - Stage your changes
🔄 git pull - Keeping my local copy up to date with ease.
🌿 git branch - Managing branches like a boss.
🔀 git checkout - Switch branches or restore working tree files.
📝 git commit - Documenting changes and committing with confidence.
🔗 git merge - Combine changes from different branches
📜 git log - View the commit history
↩️ git reset - Unstage changes or reset to a previous commit
🚀 git push - Sharing my work effortlessly with the team.